Success Stories
Smart Parking for Municipality of Desenzano del Garda (BS)

Smart Parking by Computer Vision

Desenzano del Garda, municipality of 28,946 inhabitants of the province of Brescia, was the subject of an important project concerning the monitoring of parking lot through Smart parking.

The project saw the realization of a Smart Parking system and relative monitoring of the employment of the parking lot by means of a video analysis, implementing an already existing surveillance infrastructure, able to provide useful information for:

  • Greater efficiency in the management of parking lot
  • Reduction of the average time searching for vacant parking spaces by the users
  • Respect of parking priorities: disabled, local police, parking lot
  • directing users vehicles to available vacant spaces saving time for the users
  • CO2 emission reduction due to the shortest route to vacant spaces

The 2 car parks are are in fact the main parking lot in the area adjacent to the municipality of Desenzano and useful to reach the long lake from this point of barycentric country.
Each parking is equipped with a video surveillance infrastructure with 360 ° high-resolution panoramic cameras. The images so acquired, reported and managed in the control center by the digital video recording system are entrusted to a server in the cloud on which the Smart Parking software is installed

The data relating to the installation of the parking lot is sampled every minute and, through computer vision, the collation of the information is carried out, then we proceed to sending the information to the information panels located on the Territory (PMV). The PMVs, updated in real time, indicate the availability of parking lot and the location of the parking.

The municipality also has the possibility to access the system Dashboard to analyse all the statistics (average stop time, average occupancy time, percentage of employment, etc.) and monitor the real time state of the parking (free spaces and occupied spaces etc).
The recording on-board camera allows in case of network failures radio bridges to preserve the images and to download them once restored the connection avoiding so possible data loss.

Project's Numbers
  • Profile N° 4 panoramic cameras 360 ° high Definition
  • Profile N° 2 PMV arrow indicating name and number of free parking lot
  • Profile N° 2 PMV free/busy indicating name of the parking and number of free parking lot one for each of the parking entrances
  • Profile N° 1 Smart parking Software
  • Profile N° 1 Analysis Dashboard