The devices of the SEC STPi Reverberi range series are the fifth generation of voltage regulators on the market.
How a power controller works
A power controller is a centralized voltage stabilizer, designed to control the amount of power fed to lighting circuits, by reducing the voltage on the basis of programmable cycles, in value and time, according to extimated traffic.
Advantages achieved with the installation of a power controller
- Reduced energy consumption: stabilization of voltage at the programmed values during normal operating conditions and voltage reduction during night hours, when decrease in traffic allows it, result in significant savings in energy consumption. Based on the typology and on the working conditions of the lighting installation, the power consumption can be reduced by a good 20% to 50%.
- Increasing lamp life cuts maintenance costs: the manufacturer will determine the rated lamp life through laboratory tests performed under nominal conditions from both the environmental and voltage supply viewpoints. However, the data obtained from lamps on operating installations actually indicate a significant deterioration of luminous flux after an average 8.000/12.000 working hours, thus needing an early replacement of the lamps.
Main causes for the early aging of lamps
- poor heat dispersion
- voltage excess in power supply
By stabilizing the voltage, the power controller protects the lamps against any stress resulting from overvoltage, especially in all those installations placed near a transformer, where supply voltage in night hours may achieve values well over the rated ones. Dimming of the voltage will result in a significant decrease of heat produced, thus making it possible to increase lamp life to a considerable extent.